By Heidi Harley

science / science - 8 years ago

Fan Mail Friday #57 | Social Performance Anxiety

Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. In this episode: What do you do for the friend who seems to need you as a cheerleader to pursue their life goals, but won't make any progress toward...

science / science - 8 years ago

Air pollution monitoring, Britain breathing, Tracking Hannibal

This week a "Faraday Discussion" - a unique way of presenting and sharing cutting edge science - is underway at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London looking specifically at Chemistry in the Urban Atmosphere. As Prof Ally Lewis of York University tells Adam Rutherford, atmospheric chemistry is so...

science / science - 8 years ago

Air pollution monitoring, Britain breathing, Tracking Hannibal

This week a "Faraday Discussion" - a unique way of presenting and sharing cutting edge science - is underway at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London looking specifically at Chemistry in the Urban Atmosphere. As Prof Ally Lewis of York University tells Adam Rutherford, atmospheric chemis...

science / science - 8 years ago

Air pollution monitoring, Britain breathing, Tracking Hannibal

This week a "Faraday Discussion" - a unique way of presenting and sharing cutting edge science - is underway at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London looking specifically at Chemistry in the Urban Atmosphere. As Prof Ally Lewis of York University tells Adam Rutherford, atmospheric chemis...

science / science - 8 years ago

502: Bert Jacobs | Life is Good

Bert Jacobs (@Lifeisgood) is co-founder and CEO (Chief Executive Optimist) of The Life is Good Company, which spreads the power of optimism through inspiring art, a passionate community, and groundbreaking nonprofit work. He's also the co-author of the recently published Life is Good: The Book. The...

science / science - 8 years ago

501: Chris Guillebeau | Born for This

Chris Guillebeau (@chrisguillebeau) is a bestselling author and host of the annual World Domination Summit. He's here to tell us how his new book Born for This will help you find the work you were meant to do. The Cheat Sheet: Why don't more people pursue a life of freedom/independence? The act...

science / science - 8 years ago

Fan Mail Friday #56 | Becoming a Better Role Model

Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. AJ fills in for Jordan this time around, so let's cut to it! In this episode: The cold shoulder is a poor way to communicate. How do you react when...

science / science - 8 years ago

Solar farm, Gravity machine, Kakapo

The world's second largest floating solar farm has just started generating power. Built on the Queen Elizabeth II reservoir in West London, it's the size of eight football pitches and can provides enough power for 1,800 homes. Its construction was a race against time, because the UK government cuts...

science / science - 8 years ago

Solar farm, Gravity machine, Kakapo

The world's second largest floating solar farm has just started generating power. Built on the Queen Elizabeth II reservoir in West London, it's the size of eight football pitches and can provides enough power for 1,800 homes. Its construction was a race against time, because the UK governm...

science / science - 8 years ago

Solar farm, Gravity machine, Kakapo

The world's second largest floating solar farm has just started generating power. Built on the Queen Elizabeth II reservoir in West London, it's the size of eight football pitches and can provides enough power for 1,800 homes. Its construction was a race against time, because the UK governm...

science / science - 8 years ago

500: Dan Harris | 10% Happier

Dan Harris (@danbharris) is a co-anchor of Nightline and the weekend edition of Good Morning America on ABC News. He's the author of 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works -- A True Story, about a fidgety, skeptic...

science / science - 8 years ago

499: Kimberly Seltzer | How to Set Boundaries

Kimberly Seltzer (@SeltzerKimberly) is a dating and makeover expert who draws upon her experience as a therapist for an inside-out approach to helping people look and feel their best. We welcome her back to the show to give us a woman's perspective on setting boundaries and cracking the Narcissist C...

science / science - 8 years ago

Fan Mail Friday #55 | Fear of a Millennial Planet

Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. If you're new to The Art of Charm Podcast, this isn't a great place to start. Most of our content is more in-depth and longer format, so check out our...

science / science - 8 years ago

Flu, Coffee yeasts, Wave machine, Cochlear implants

The flu season is running later this year. And it has been unusually virulent. Professor Wendy Barclay, virologist at Imperial College London, tells Tracey Logan about the constant race to keep up with flu mutations in order to build an effective vaccine.Wine has a microbial terroir which is thought...

science / science - 8 years ago

Flu, Coffee yeasts, Wave machine, Cochlear implants

The flu season is running later this year. And it has been unusually virulent.Professor Wendy Barclay, virologist at Imperial College London, tells Tracey Logan about the constant race to keep up with flu mutations in order to build an effective vaccine.Wine has a microbial terroir which is...