By Heidi Harley

science / science - 9 years ago

367: Steve Sims | How to Always Get a Yes

First you've got to believe you'll get a "yes". "The perfection is in the imperfection."-Steve Sims The Cheat Sheet: How to get anyone to say yes to your request. What is market ugly and how does it work? Creating a win-win scenario: Steve shares how he does it. The three words he says you should l...

science / science - 9 years ago

International Year of Soils

This year is the Food and Agriculture Organisation's International Year of Soils.Adam Rutherford, ably assisted by Manchester University's Richard Bardgett, takes a look at new research seeking to further our understanding of soil behaviour that determines much of our existence.A handful of soil con...

science / science - 9 years ago

International Year of Soils

This year is the Food and Agriculture Organisation's International Year of Soils.Adam Rutherford, ably assisted by Manchester University's Richard Bardgett, takes a look at new research seeking to further our understanding of soil behaviour that determines much of our existence.A handful of...

science / science - 9 years ago

International Year of Soils

This year is the Food and Agriculture Organisation's International Year of Soils.Adam Rutherford, ably assisted by Manchester University's Richard Bardgett, takes a look at new research seeking to further our understanding of soil behaviour that determines much of our existence.A handful of...

science / science - 9 years ago

366: Rich Roll | Finding Ultra and Rejecting Middle Age

Small, progressive steps create lasting change. "I allowed myself to be imperfect and to fail."-Rich Roll The Cheat Sheet: Are you on The Window Diet? Junk food vegetarianism: what is it? Rich explains the problem with our "hacking" culture. What forges true character? How to master your monkey min...

science / science - 9 years ago

365: Mark Divine | Six Weeks to SEALfit

Toughness goes beyond just physical prowess. "We like to go to the challenge before the challenge comes to us."-Mark Divine The Cheat Sheet: Why do 80% of Navy SEAL trainees fail? What's the oldest personal development system known to mankind? When do we grow and learn the most according to Mark? W...

science / science - 9 years ago

364: Kevin Davis | Overcoming Anxiety Naturally

Many high performers suffer from anxiety. "The anxiety itself becomes an addiction."-Kevin Davis The Cheat Sheet: Do only combat veterans suffer from PTSD? What is brain zap? Why you don't have to be a monk to meditate. Rest and relaxation are not lazy: how to change your mindset on this. True or f...

science / science - 9 years ago

363: Dr. Chris Ryan | Sex at Dawn

Sex has long been about relationships, not procreating. "Monogamy is like vegetarianism: it doesn't come naturally to our species."-Dr. Chris Ryan The Cheat Sheet: Why the gangbang porn category is so popular from a biological standpoint. Women are usually the most vocal during sex: why? The one su...

science / science - 9 years ago

362: Harville Hendrix | Getting the Love You Want

You chose your partners for a reason. "The bottom line for great relationships is you have to know how to deal with differences." -Harville Hendrix The Cheat Sheet: What is zero negativity and how do you use it in a relationship? Imago: what is it and why should you bother to care? Only 10% of the...

science / science - 9 years ago

Listeners' Science Questions

Adam Rutherford and guests oceanographer Dr Helen Czerski, cosmologist Dr Andrew Pontzen and zoologist Dr Tim Cockerill answer the listeners' science questions.Producer: Adrian Washbourne.

science / science - 9 years ago

360: Jake Ducey | The Purpose Principles

Create a plan and work backwards. "Most of us are gambling on the biggest risk of all: that one day we can buy the freedom to do what we want later in life."-Jake Ducey The Cheat Sheet: What percentage of people are actively disengaged from their work? Career capital: what is it and why should you...

science / science - 9 years ago

359: Marsha Shandur | Saying Yes to Networking

As Marsha Shandur (@yesyesmarsha) knows, networking can be fun. Here's where she shows you how. "Networking is a long-term relationship, not a one-night stand." -Marsha Shandur The Cheat Sheet: Is everyone afraid of networking events? The top two ways to add value to someone no matter who they are....