359: Marsha Shandur | Saying Yes to Networking


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As Marsha Shandur (@yesyesmarsha) knows, networking can be fun. Here's where she shows you how.

"Networking is a long-term relationship, not a one-night stand." -Marsha Shandur

The Cheat Sheet:
  • Is everyone afraid of networking events?
  • The top two ways to add value to someone no matter who they are.
  • What's the spotlight effect?
  • What does Helen Fielding have to teach us about networking?
  • What is Marsha's "secret sentence" she uses to get a response from people?
  • And so much more...

Full show notes at https://theartofcharm.com/podcast-episodes/marsha-shandur-saying-yes-networking-episode-359/

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