Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The Mars InSight Lander has beamed down a selfie of sorts, showing its robotic arm raised in triumph against the dim Martian sky, is reporting.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
X-ray spectroscopy is a technique that detects and measures photons, or particles of light, that have wavelengths in the X-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. There are several different X-ray spectroscopy methods that are used in many disc...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
No matter the U.S. President's dealmaking skills, the biggest issues that divide the two governments are effectively off the table
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Scientists have recently conducted new DNA research on a 4,250-year-old Bronze Age woman known as “Ava,” whose remains were discovered inside a grave in Caithness, Scotland in 1987. According to the BBC, through new DNA work, scientists learned that...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
There are too many ancient hand paintings with missing fingers for the whole thing to be a coincidence.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Scientists have watched Greenland's colossal ice sheet shrink at an accelerated rate for the last 20 years. Now, researchers have solid proof that the current melting of Earth's second-largest ice sheet — which is about 2.5 times the size o...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Watch: SpaceX launches resupply mission to International Space Station || 105609200
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The ground is shifting under Iran's capital, Tehran, home to approximately 15 million people and the biggest city by population in western Asia. High-resolution satellite images recently revealed that in some places, the metropolis of the Middle Eas...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Today, may we recommend a visit to the north pole of the sun? Even with satellite footage, our view of the sun is pretty much limited to the solar disc — the circular profile of the sun that we can see plainly from Earth. The northern and southern...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Even the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) needs a break from time to time. Scientists with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) flipped the switch on the LHC this week, the beginning step in a two-year effort to revamp the particle collid...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
"...Like all great men, he should be remembered for the totality of his record"
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Japanese drug giant Takeda's mammoth $60-billion takeover of Irish pharmaceuticals firm Shire has been approved by both sets of shareholders, the pair said Wednesday. The proposed purchase, worth the equivalent of 51.5 billion euros or £46 billion,...