Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

What Is X-Ray Spectroscopy?

X-ray spectroscopy is a technique that detects and measures photons, or particles of light, that have wavelengths in the X-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. There are several different X-ray spectroscopy methods that are used in many disc...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

Greenland is in hot water

Scientists have watched Greenland's colossal ice sheet shrink at an accelerated rate for the last 20 years. Now, researchers have solid proof that the current melting of Earth's second-largest ice sheet — which is about 2.5 times the size o...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

Shareholders agree to Takeda's $60bn Shire acquisition

Japanese drug giant Takeda's mammoth $60-billion takeover of Irish pharmaceuticals firm Shire has been approved by both sets of shareholders, the pair said Wednesday. The proposed purchase, worth the equivalent of 51.5 billion euros or £46 billion,...