Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

Silicon Valley Wants to Disrupt Biology

Its office has all the trappings: industrial-chic design, a Blue Bottle Coffee down the block, and a sign reading “Revolution Workspace” above the front desk. Twitter Inc. and Uber are nearby. By providing Ph.D.s with seed funding and business ment...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

New machine aims to end India's sewer death shame

Hundreds of "manual scavengers" die each year cleaning out sewers in cities across India but a machine unveiled for Monday's World Toilet Day could help to end that tragic record. Thousands of mostly low-caste Indians are employed in one of the worl...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change

This is a& re-post from the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy by Sarah Finnie Robinson When do 97% of people agree on anything, even ice cream? In scientific circles, consensus is a rare trophy, held to famously exacting standards....