Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Hunting for a fitting present for a person who is obsessed with celestial objects is as seemingly impossible a task as finding a way to fling them directly into space. You can't exactly promise them infinity and beyond, but what you
can give a...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Courtesy of NASA
Scientists expect this year globally to be the fourth-hottest on record, with the only warmer years being the three previous ones. Since 2001, we have lived on a planet that has experienced seventeen of...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
Climate change mitigation
Emission scenario analysis for China under the global 1.5 °C target
Climate change communication
Attribution matters: Revisiting the link between extre...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The BepiColombo mission to Mercury is inching its way toward the solar system’s smallest and innermost planet. The intrepid probe — which is essentially a transport pod carrying two orbiters, as previously reported by the Inquisitr — has fired up it...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Astronomers studying a famous exoplanet that goes by the name of WASP-69b have stumbled upon a peculiar find. It seems that the massive exoplanet, a gas giant first sighted in 2014, is sporting a comet-like tail composed of helium particles that ori...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
A U.S.-sponsored draft resolution that for the first time would have condemned the militant Islamic group Hamas, which controls Gaza, failed to win the required two-thirds majority in the U.N. General Assembly.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Texas A&M says the private, graveside service for George H.W. Bush’s family members has ended and the former president has been buried. Thursday evening’s ceremony concludes days of funeral activities honoring the 41st president.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg often says that the first person to set foot on Mars will get there on a Boeing-built rocket, but at today’s Business Roundtable CEO Innovation Summit, he made it personal. “Would you go?” CNBC anchor Becky Quick, the mod...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, or ELLIS, will run physical laboratories and create an education program for doctoral students studying a type of AI called machine learning, while building bridges between universities an...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid probe spent many months flying through space in order to meet up with its target, a large space rock known as Bennu. The spacecraft's mission will be carried out over the next couple of years, but its arrival at Ben...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The rate the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting is possibly the highest in 8000 years. New work looking at layers of melt in ice cores, from the second biggest ice sheet in the world, has shown that in the past 20 years the rate of melting has increased...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Scientists have identified an extraordinary specimen of fossilized blubber from a ‘fish-lizard’ that lived 180 million years ago, according to a new report in the journal Nature. The blubber, a layer of fat beneath the skin of modern marine mammals...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
President Donald Trump has called special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt" that's found no evidence of wrongdoing by his presidential campaign. But facts…