Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 9 years ago

382: Ian Kerner | She Comes First

Female sexuality is quite different than male sexuality. "For a woman to turn on parts of her brain need to turn off." -Ian Kerner The Cheat Sheet: Sexual attention deficit disorder: what is it and how does it relate to porn? Is Ian in favor of or a...

by Heidi Harley - 9 years ago

381: Adam Braun | Pencils of Promise

An ordinary person can create extraordinary change. "One of the biggest things missing in the non-profit space is the sense of for-profit business acumen." -Adam Braun The Cheat Sheet: How much money did he start Pencils of Promise with? Why must al...

by Heidi Harley - 9 years ago

Friday Five Minutes #4

In this one: -How to tell someone they have bad oral hygiene -Why you shouldn't have lunch meetings -More on the issue of race/ethnicity and mentorship   HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a revi...

by Heidi Harley - 9 years ago

380: Tim Larkin | How to Survive The Unthinkable

Violence is simply a tool. "The best information for survival is going to come from the worst part of society." -Tim Larkin The Cheat Sheet: Why has Tim been banned from the UK? What advice did Tony Robbins give him after going through his training?...

by Heidi Harley - 9 years ago

379: Jairek Robbins | Live It

Learn it, live it and give it. "If you focus on serving others it adds purpose to your life." -Jairek Robbins The Cheat Sheet: What drives most high achievers? What is the archetype of the "do next" person and why should you care? Think winning the...