8 years ago
Gravitational waves were announced last week, in what may be the science discovery of the decade. The Ligo detector, the most sensitive instrument on the surface of the planet, detected the ripples given off by the collision of two black holes. Adam Rutherford puts a selection of listener q...
8 years ago
Dr. Ben Michaelis (@DrBenMichaelis) is a motivational psychologist and author of Your Next Big Thing: Ten Small Steps to Get Moving and Get Happy. Here, he shows us how to stop trying to avoid stress and, instead, utilize it in intelligent ways.
"The tighter we hold onto things and try to control t...
8 years ago
Brian Koppelman (@BrianKoppelman) was a blocked writer until he was 30. Now, he's the showrunner, co-creator, and executive producer of Billions on Showtime and the host of Slate's The Moment podcast. How did he turn things around? He's here to discuss this and share his Hollywood stories with us on...
8 years ago
Welcome to Fan Mail Friday #49! No jibber-jabber, just a short show where we answer Art of Charm listener mail and give out mini-lessons for the weekend!
In this episode:
Be careful of giving too much significance to someone you think of as a "significant other" -- especially if years have passe...
8 years ago
The universe is silent no longer - physicists at the LIGO observatory have detected gravitational waves.LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, with its giant laser beam arms totalling 5 miles across the remote Hanford desert, is the largest lab on the surface of the planet. I...
8 years ago
The universe is silent no longer - physicists at the LIGO observatory have detected gravitational waves.LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, with its giant laser beam arms totalling 5 miles across the remote Hanford desert, is the largest lab on the surface of the...
8 years ago
The universe is silent no longer - physicists at the LIGO observatory have detected gravitational waves.LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, with its giant laser beam arms totalling 5 miles across the remote Hanford desert, is the largest lab on the surface of the...
8 years ago
Frances Cole Jones (@FCJones), author of How to Wow, wants you (yes, you!) to know that charisma is something you can learn and cultivate for better job interviews, sales pitches, presentations, and connecting with others.
The Cheat Sheet:
Understand the impact of body language on communication...
8 years ago
Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) of talks about micronutrient deficiencies on metabolism, inflammation, DNA damage, and aging as well as the role of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids in brain function.
The Cheat Sheet:
Just because you don’t have scurvy doesn’t mean you’re...
8 years ago
Welcome to Fan Mail Friday #48! No jibber-jabber, just a short show where we answer Art of Charm listener mail and give out mini-lessons for the weekend!
In this episode:
Was Cal Newport's advice to entrepreneurs in episode 482 of The Art of Charm too practical? (We get some clarification from t...
8 years ago
Some much-needed good news for our troubled bees and other pollinators: between 1998 and 2007, the amount of nectar produced from Britain's flowering plants rose by 25%. A new study suggests this may be due to reductions in atmospheric pollution. But researchers looked at records spanning over 80 ye...
8 years ago
Some much-needed good news for our troubled bees and other pollinators: between 1998 and 2007, the amount of nectar produced from Britain's flowering plants rose by 25%. A new study suggests this may be due to reductions in atmospheric pollution. But researchers looked at records spanning o...
8 years ago
Some much-needed good news for our troubled bees and other pollinators: between 1998 and 2007, the amount of nectar produced from Britain's flowering plants rose by 25%. A new study suggests this may be due to reductions in atmospheric pollution. But researchers looked at records spanning o...
8 years ago
Dov Gordon (@dovgordon) helps consultants, experts, and small professional service firms build a steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal clients. He also tells us why it's important to take "Seddon Days" by putting our priorities in perspective and what we can learn by pondering the gravity of...
8 years ago
Pat Flynn (@patflynn) helps entrepreneurs build and grow successful online businesses with his book Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don't Waste Your Time and Money and the Smart Passive Income podcast and blog.
The Cheat Sheet:
An entrepreneur needs to develop a mindset...