Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

288: Nick Morgan | Power Cues

"Every communication is two conversations: the content and the body language. When the two are aligned, you can be successful." - Nick Morgan Did you ever do something and then think, why the heck did I just do that? Our guest for episode 288, Dr. Ni...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

287: Hunter Maats | Straight-A Conspiracy

"It is our emotional experience that makes the difference in how we're learning." - Hunter Maats Can intelligence and mastery be learned or are we all innately good at some things and terrible at others? Is there really a "math" gene or can anyone, w...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

286: Shawn Stevenson | Hack Your Sleep

"When your sleep is on point, everything you're doing is going to get better." -Shawn Stevenson Sleep: It's commonly accepted that we should sleep 8 hours a night. But is that really true? Does the quantity of sleep we're getting matter or is this a...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

284: Isaiah Hankel | Black Hole Focus

"Paradoxes are powerful. The main paradox when it comes to being charismatic that you want to create, is to create the paradox of strength & warmth ." -Isaiah Hankel Most people believe charisma is something you’ve either got or you don’t - that...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

283: Ari Meisel | Less Doing, More Living

"Have things come to you at the time that you can best deal with them." Ari Meisel  What would you do if you were given a diagnosis and put on 16 pills a day? Would you accept your fate or would you biohack your way to health and wellness? Ari Meis...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

282: Dr. Sara Gottfried | Decoding Female Hormones

When you understand these hormonal changes, it creates grace in a relationship. - Dr. Sara Gottfried Are you tired of not knowing how to cope with your woman's hormonal cycles? Of not knowing when she'll go from zero to crazy in .002 seconds? And wha...

by Heidi Harley - 10 years ago

277: Charlie Tips | Raising Young Millionaires

"Nobody ever got rich working for a living." -Grandpa Tips If the 'World's Most Interesting Man' were a dad, he'd be Charlie Tips. Charlie gives parenting and life advice to those of us shooting for the stars, including: -How to educate your kids t...