277: Charlie Tips | Raising Young Millionaires


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"Nobody ever got rich working for a living." -Grandpa Tips

If the 'World's Most Interesting Man' were a dad, he'd be Charlie Tips. Charlie gives parenting and life advice to those of us shooting for the stars, including:

-How to educate your kids to be 'billionaires'

-Why public schools actually teach poor mindsets inadvertently

-How a 12 year old kid created his own high school packed with world-travel and won two Emmys by age 30

-Quora takeaways from article: no prep schools, teach generosity, love of work, and how to be worthy of wealth

-How trading time for money is a losing battle, and how a total schlub learned the skills and mindset of capitalism and put it into action

Here's the original answer on Quora


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