Mexico, Oct. 26 (Notimex).- NASA's Parker Probe solar probe took a photograph of Earth, while the spacecraft was about 27 million miles from the planet. The snapshot taken by the WISPR object, unique in the solar probe to take images, shows the "blue planet" as a bright and round object. The Parker Solar Probe captured the image, as it headed towards the first serious Venus assistance of the mission, on September 25. The two panels of the WISPR description come from the instrument's two telescopes, which point in slightly different directions and have different fields of view. The internal telescope produced the image on the left, while the external telescope on the right. In the photo you can also see the Moon, as a light bulge on the right side that looks out from behind the Earth, explained the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Also, in the snapshot broadcast by the US space agency, we can observe the star cluster of the Pleiades or seven sisters, located in the constellation of Taurus. In addition to the red supergiant star Betelgeuse, and Bellatrix the third brightest star of the Orion constellation. The Parker Probe is the first mission in history towards the Sun, in order to explore the atmosphere of the brightest star in the galaxy, whose first scientific data is expected in December. NTX/ICB/LCH/ASTRO16/JCG