A British-built spacecraft will set off for Mercury this week in a mission which could finally determine if the nearest planet to the Sun has water. BepiColombo, one of the most ambitious missions ever undertaken by the European Space Agency (ESA), will send two orbiters to explore the fiery world where surface temperatures reach 842F (450C). One of the probes was built by Airbus in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, and the second was constructed in Japan. Only two spacecraft have been to Mercury up to now, Nasa’s Mariner 10 which flew past in 1974 and 1975 and Nasa’s Messenger which orbited the planet between 2011 and 2015. It is hoped the expedition will answer questions raised by the previous missions such as whether the planet holds water. Despite being perilously close to the Sun, the tilt of planet means some areas are permanently in shade and temperatures can fall to -292F (-180C), allowing ice to form. An artist's impression of BepiColombo at Mercury Credit: ESA The fairing of the Ariane 5 launcher is lowered over the BepiColombo spacecraft stack. Credit: Manuel Pedoussaut In 2012, Messenger found ice at the planet’s North Pole but was unable to say whether it was water or sulphur. BepiColombo will also be able to confirm whether water ice is present at the South Pole. Messenger also found organic matter on the planet, and although scientists do not think life will be present, it could help them understand how it began on Earth. Researchers also want to learn more about Mercury's magnetic field. Previously it was thought that the planet was solid all the way through but previous missions discovered a magnetic field suggesting it may have a molten interior. Professor Emma Bunce, of the University of Leicester, which has built one of the instruments on board, said: “There are some interesting quirks about Mercury that we still don't understand. “Messenger told us a great deal but also raised more questions.” Giuseppe 'Bepi' Colombo Credit: ESA BepiColombo is named after the late Guiseppe "Bepi" Colombo, an Italian scientist and engineer from the University of Padua who played a leading role in the Mariner 10 mission. The spacecraft launches from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on Saturday and will take seven years to reach Mercury arriving in late 2025. During its 5.2 billion miles journey it will make a complex series of fly-bys of Earth, Venus and Mercury to help it slow down enough to avoid the huge gravitational pull of the Sun. After launch, BepiColombo will return to Earth two years later to make a gravity-assist flyby Credit: ESA/ATG medialab Esa's Mercury Planet Orbiter (MPO) and the Japanese space agency Jaxa's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) will then separate to study Mercury for up to two years. Dr Jerry Bolter, project manager at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “The only other spacecraft to go in orbit around Mercury was Nasa's Messenger. “That was a very, very light spacecraft and no-where near as capable as Bepi will be. The scientists describe Messenger as the hors d'oeuvre and Bepi as the main course." "I've been working on this project since 2006. It will be very emotional I think. It's a fundamental milestone getting the spacecraft off the ground. Then you start worrying: will we get communication? Will we get power? But it's also exciting."