Mexicans participate with topic for injuries in scientific fair of Peru


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Mexicans participate with topic for injuries in scientific fair of PeruMexico, Nov. 23 (Notimex).- Students from the Faculty of Biological Pharmaceutical Chemistry, from the Universidad Veracruzana (UV, for its acronym in Spanish), developed a topical product with medicinal properties to treat minor wounds and strokes. The project called Chaol's combines the knowledge of herbal medicine with scientific and pharmaceutical knowledge, and with it young Mexicans participated in the National School Fair of Science and Technology "Eureka", organized by the Ministry of Education of Peru, this month of November. Their attendance at that meeting was due to the second place they got, in 2017, at the National Science and Engineering Fair (Fenaci, for its acronym in Spanish), in that same country. The students working in this development are Sandra Martínez Trujillo, Víctor Manuel Guerrero Velasco and Zamira Itzayana Goné Zapata, the UV said in a statement. The aforementioned scientific events, in which young people from Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Mexico participated, promote scientific research, as well as the technological abilities and skills of teachers and students. The product line of Chaol's consists of a gel and cream for the treatment of minor wounds and bumps, made with three wild plants of easy spread: giant (Tithonia diversifolia), white mozote (Bidens pilosa) and acuyo (Piper auritum). "We seek to recover the teachings of traditional medicine and strengthen it with scientific knowledge, to achieve a positive impact on society," explained Sandra Martinez. The plants used were widely analyzed to know from the empirical uses that people give them, and considered previous scientific studies on their anti-inflammatory and healing properties, among others. NTX/LCH/MSG/JCG
