Heidi Harley
6 years ago
(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump said Thursday that an attack on Syria could take place “very soon or not so soon at all!”The president made the statement in a tweet Thursday morning. Trump on Wednesday had warned Russia to “get ready” for a mis...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Washington has been happy to let high-tech companies police themselves--until now
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
More than 50 people have been killed in London since the start of 2018, with stabbing being the main cause of death. For the first time in modern history, the city’s murder rate in the months of February and March exceeded that of New York City, whic...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Among the events that happened on this day in history, in 1981 NASA launches space shuttle Columbia.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Three alarming-looking coronal holes have appeared on the surface of the sun – as a solar storm has buffeted our planet.But while coronal holes (which are only visible in certain wavelengths of light) look alarming, they’re actually quite common, and...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Sparkling beneath a hundred flashbulbs, Ford’s newest saloon was presented to the world in the central Chinese megacity of Chongqing on Tuesday, in a symphony of polished paintwork and umbrella-twirling dancers.The unveiling of the next generation Fo...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
On a day dedicated to remembering the Holocaust, some experts are worried that their decades of efforts to do so may not be making enough of a mark on Americans.“We say ‘Never Forget,’ but the people who were murdered are literally being forgotten as...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
(ANCHORAGE, Alaska) — Voters in Alaska’s largest city are on track to becoming the first in the U.S. to defeat a so-called bathroom bill in a referendum that asked them to require people using public bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their g...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Four years after a Chinese couple died in a car crash, their baby was born to a surrogate, BBC reports.Tiantian was born in China in December to a Laotian surrogate. Although he has no parents, his four grandparents have reportedly proven relations t...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Just what happened to the top-secret Zuma satellite launched by SpaceX this past January is still a mystery -- but the investigation into its failure has cleared SpaceX of any fault for the satellite failure.Sources close to the investigation tell AB...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Lonnie Thompson, a climate scientist, was told by his doctor that he needed a heart transplant.
He denied it. “You’re crazy! I’ve been climbing the highest mountains in the world for…” he paused, mentally counted the d...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Many of you will already be familiar with the Fact-Myth-Fallacy structure of a successful debunking. For a refresher, John Cook's post about "Inoculation theory: Using misinformation to fight misinformation" is a good primer on the topic.
As example...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Opinion of the Week... Opinion of the Week... Toon of the Week... SkS Spotlights... Coming Soon on SkS... Poster of the Week... Climate Feedback Reviews... SkS Week in Review... 97 Hours of Consensus...
Story of the Week...
Solar geoengineering &ls...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
A chronological listing of news articles posted on the Skeptical Science Facebook page during the past week.&
Editor's Pick
March is 3rd warmest on record, many contrasts
March 2018 was the third warmest on record, according to the& European Cent...