Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

A Baby Was Born in China 4 Years After His Parents Died

Four years after a Chinese couple died in a car crash, their baby was born to a surrogate, BBC reports.Tiantian was born in China in December to a Laotian surrogate. Although he has no parents, his four grandparents have reportedly proven relations t...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

Climate Science Denial Explained

Lonnie Thompson, a climate scientist, was told by his doctor that he needed a heart transplant. He denied it. “You’re crazy! I’ve been climbing the highest mountains in the world for…” he paused, mentally counted the d...

by Heidi Harley - 6 years ago

New resource: The Fact-Myth-Fallacy slide-deck

Many of you will already be familiar with the Fact-Myth-Fallacy structure of a successful debunking. For a refresher, John Cook's post about "Inoculation theory: Using misinformation to fight misinformation" is a good primer on the topic. As example...