Heidi Harley
6 years ago
EarthNow expects to deliver satellite imagery from virtually every corner of our planet. The company added that its project would initially help detect a wide array of developments, from illegal fishing to forest fires and hurricanes as they evolve—...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Stargazers should head outside the evening of April 21 if they want to catch the best glimpse of our galaxy’s oldest meteor shower. In order to witness the annual event, viewers should head outdoors when it’s dark, lie on their back, and wait at lea...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Michael Barrett has an old-fashioned flip phone. As appalling images of panicked children and adults apparently victims of poison gas or cruel nerve agents go viral, the labs and the equipment store of the world's global chemical arms watchdog hum w...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
If you were an author writing about Donald Trump, is it better to write a book praising him or one critical of him?
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Igor, a Siberian tiger in a Hungarian zoo, received stem-cell joint treatment on Wednesday which doctors hoped would help heal its hip and allow it to live happily, on less medicine. Igor is a 13-year old tiger living in the zoo in the southern Hung...
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Happy Earth Day! Us humans depend on plants for survival – they help provide us with food, fuel, medicine, oxygen, and so much more. And plants’ survival depends on one incredible natural process: Photosynthesis. Here’s how it works.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
"My Reality: A Hidden America": Waitressing is a first job for many in the workforce and these women say they have dealt with lewd comments, inappropriate touching and predatory situations at work.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (AP) — Scientist Nerses "Krik" Krikorian, who was born a refugee and later became a legend in the once-secret New Mexico city where the atomic bomb was developed, has died. He was 97.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The 20th of April is upon us, and you know what that means. Get down to canna-business and come check out our list of weed-related tech to celebrate before Snoop Dogg smokes it all himself.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Cities and nations are looking at banning plastic straws and stirrers in hopes of addressing the world's plastic pollution problem. The problem is so large, though, that scientists say that's not nearly enough.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
The Epstein-Barr virus is linked to lupus and other autoimmune diseases, and researchers may have found out how.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Fifty-three people have reported E. coli cases linked to romaine lettuce
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
Digital Trends recently paid a fascinating visit to the Swedish headquarters of Cellink, one of the most exciting companies working on 3D bioprinted organs. Here's what we found out.
Heidi Harley
6 years ago
A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
Climate change mitigation
1.& Pathways limiting warming to 1.5°C: a tale of turning around in no time?& (open access)
2.& Climate change and technology: examining opinion format...