By Heidi Harley

science / science - 5 years ago

Photos of Hurricane Florence from space are truly scary to behold

Hurricane Florence is poised to hit the mid-Atlantic coast and the Carolinas this week, and satellite images of the storm are nothing short of terrifying. Astronauts at the International Space Station, for example, struggled to fit the enormous storm into one frame.  "We could only capture her...

science / science - 5 years ago

What's the Likelihood That CRISPR Will Cure Cancer?

This is the basic concept behind a technology that's been garnering a lot of interest over the past several years. Called CRISPR, which stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat, this genetic editing technology offers hope that one day doctors will be able to easily correc...

science / science - 5 years ago

Warming oceans are changing the world's rainfall

Global warming means truly& global& warming. The atmosphere, the oceans, and the ground are all warming. As a result, ice is melting, seas are rising,& storms are getting more severe, and& droughts are getting worse. But these things are not happening in isolation. The tricky thing about the climate...