By Heidi Harley

science / science - 5 years ago

Photos and videos show the destruction and power of Florence

While Florence is, as of 12:00 p.m. ET on Saturday, now "just" a tropical storm, it has still ripped the Carolina coast with heavy winds and record-breaking rainfall, causing widespread damage for humans and wildlife alike.  Photos and videos from around the region, and particularly North...

science / science - 5 years ago

NASA blasts off space laser satellite to track ice loss

NASA's most advanced space laser satellite blasted off Saturday on a mission to track ice loss around the world and improve forecasts of sea level rise as the climate warms. Cloaked in pre-dawn darkness, the $1 billion, half-ton ICESat-2 launched aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force b...

science / science - 5 years ago

2018 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #37

A chronological listing of news articles posted on the Skeptical Science Facebook Page during the past week. Editor's Pick Paris Conundrum: How to Know How Much Carbon Is Being Emitted?& An industrial complex in Oberhausen, Germany in January 2017.& LUKAS SCHULZE/GETTY As climate negotiators cons...

science / science - 5 years ago

Paris, Brussels call for car-free day in Europe

Europe should hold an annual car-free day in a bid to ease air pollution, the mayors of Paris and Brussels said Saturday on the eve of a vehicle-free day in their cities. The call came in a joint statement by Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and her counterpart in Brussels, Philippe Close, in which the two...

science / science - 5 years ago

Can a bracelet really let you control your dreams?

Like many tech products that emerge on crowdfunding platforms, Instadreamer is at once imaginative, intriguing, and somewhat suspect. The bracelet’s creators say their device will let users “take control of their dreams” by inducing vivid, lucid dreaming episodes.

science / science - 5 years ago

Brazil space station open for small satellite business

Brazil is ready to launch small commercial rockets from its space base near the equator as soon as it agrees to safeguard U.S. technology that is dominant in the industry, the Brazilian Air Force officer managing the space program said on Friday. Brig. Major Luiz Fernando Aguiar said Brazil wan...