By Heidi Harley

science / science - 5 years ago

SpaceX's 1st traveler is moonstruck Japanese fashion tycoon

TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese billionaire who Tesla chief Elon Musk says plans to blast off on the first-ever private commercial space trip aboard the SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket often makes headlines in Japan. The SpaceX mission, set for takeoff in 2023, is just the latest exploit in tycoon Yusaku Maezawa...

science / science - 5 years ago

How Studying Business, Engineering in College Can Lead to Jobs

A team of seniors from the Frank W. Olin College of Engineering outside of Boston collaborated with Mitsubishi Electric to use technology to encourage older adults to cook together remotely. Students farther west at Worcester Polytechnic Institute have helped an Australian not-for-profit collect da...

science / science - 5 years ago

1st SpaceX passenger: 'I choose to go to the moon!'

SpaceX announced on Monday night that its first moonshot passenger will be Yusaku Maezawa, a billionaire estimated by Forbes to be the 18th-richest person in Japan. "I choose to go to the moon!" said the 42-year-old Maezawa, who founded Japan's largest online fashion mall and is worth almost $3 bil...

science / science - 5 years ago

EU targets BMW, Daimler, VW on Dieselgate anniversary

Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said BMW, Daimler and VW are suspected of agreeing "not to compete against each other on the development and roll-out" of anti-pollution systems for petrol and diesel passenger cars. "If proven, this collusion may have denied consumers the opportunity to...

science / science - 5 years ago

Renault-Nissan alliance takes Google Android for a drive

Renault's alliance with Nissan and Mitsubishi said Tuesday it would start equipping its cars with the Android operating system to make dashboards smart. Under a deal with web giant Google, the Renault-led group -- the world's largest auto alliance by sales volume -- will begin incorporating the mos...