9 years ago
Most of us have been taught some BS about sexual desire. "The way to become a person's type is to treat them in a way that makes them feel really, really good." -Dr. Emily Nagoski The Cheat Sheet: Why women are easier to turn off than men. What is yucking people's yums? Dr. Emily explains how fetis...
9 years ago
We can rejuvenate our cells and avoid aging. "We have a clear moral obligation to get these therapies developed as quickly as possible." -Dr. Aubrey de Grey The Cheat Sheet: Dr. Aubrey de Grey explains why breathing is bad for us (really). Is a 4-digit lifespan truly possible? 100,000 people die ev...
9 years ago
Curiosity about everything makes you ready for anything.
"There isn't a person alive who doesn't think they're interesting. My job is to make that 'interesting' come out." -Larry King
The Cheat Sheet:
What traits come naturally to a good broadcaster -- and can these traits be taught?
"Just be...
9 years ago
In this one: -What do I do when someone really "gets my goat"? -Does AoC take BitCoin? -Is it important to drink when I go out? -Should I call people out when I see them doing something wrong? HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is...
9 years ago
Think of earthquake cities and places like San Francisco or Los Angeles spring to mind. But London is also seismically active. 200 years ago, there was an earthquake under Trafalgar Square. Dr Richard Ghail from Imperial College London meets Adam Rutherford on the banks of the Thames to discuss the...
9 years ago
Think of earthquake cities and places like San Francisco or Los Angeles spring to mind. But London is also seismically active. 200 years ago, there was an earthquake under Trafalgar Square. Dr Richard Ghail from Imperial College London meets Adam Rutherford on the banks of the Thames to dis...
9 years ago
Think of earthquake cities and places like San Francisco or Los Angeles spring to mind. But London is also seismically active. 200 years ago, there was an earthquake under Trafalgar Square. Dr Richard Ghail from Imperial College London meets Adam Rutherford on the banks of the Thames to dis...
9 years ago
Dreams can increase your emotional IQ. "The creative mind awake and asleep is the same mind." -Ryan Hurd The Cheat Sheet: Do we all dream, whether we remember or not? Why napping is a good thing. One of the top ten most common dreams is what? Dream work vs dream interpretation: what's the differenc...
9 years ago
Relationships are still complicated. "We are creatures of meaning and we want to feel we matter." -Esther Perel The Cheat Sheet: Why have we lost the value of relational intelligence? How to know if you're in a role or are being accountable? How to rekindle relationships. Why the first person to ap...
9 years ago
Banter is a muscle to be flexed daily. "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything." -Malcolm X The Cheat Sheet: Do you always have to be funny to create banter? What is the conversation formula? What are the three traits you want to embody through banter? What is "yes and" and how does it...
9 years ago
We're becoming more reliant on robots to assist in hostile zones from extinguishing forest fires to bomb disposal to decontaminating nuclear facilities. But whereas humans can quickly adapt to injuries, current robots cannot 'think outside the box' to find a new behaviour when they get damaged. Trac...
9 years ago
We're becoming more reliant on robots to assist in hostile zones from extinguishing forest fires to bomb disposal to decontaminating nuclear facilities. But whereas humans can quickly adapt to injuries, current robots cannot 'think outside the box' to find a new behaviour when they get dama...
9 years ago
We're becoming more reliant on robots to assist in hostile zones from extinguishing forest fires to bomb disposal to decontaminating nuclear facilities. But whereas humans can quickly adapt to injuries, current robots cannot 'think outside the box' to find a new behaviour when they get dama...
9 years ago
According to The Way of the Peaceful Warrior author Dan Millman, everyone is a peaceful warrior in training. "Heroes and cowards feel exactly the same fear, they just respond differently." -Cus D'Amato The Cheat Sheet: Why doesn't Dan Millman like to use the word spirituality? What is FAST defense?...
9 years ago
Attraction is more than just sex. "Attraction starts before we even open our mouths." -AJ Harbinger The Cheat Sheet: What's The Art of Charm definition of attraction? Why the first 60 seconds are critical to attracting a woman. How to make people gravitate to you. AJ's suggestion for getting a grea...