615: Isaac Lidsky | Eyes Wide Open


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Isaac Lidsky (@isaaclidsky) is the only blind person to serve as a law clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court. He's also an entrepreneur, he was once a child actor on a popular '90s sitcom, and now he's the bestselling author of Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can't See Clearly.

"The world's going to change a million times between A and Z. You will, as well." -Isaac Lidsky

The Cheat Sheet:
  • Understand why Isaac Lidsky considers going blind in his twenties a "blessing."
  • Learn how Isaac's personal vision grew sharper even as his eyesight faded.
  • Discover how our brains construct reality based on our own mental models -- some of which we can control.
  • Explore how to reframe luck and events that seem negative to work to our advantage.
  • Sign up for Isaac's free bonus workbook to transfer the content of this show into actionable insights for making progress toward your own goals every week.
  • And so much more...

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Show notes at https://theartofcharm.com/podcast-episodes/isaac-lidsky-eyes-wide-open-episode-615/


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