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9 years ago
The Romans, Vikings and Normans ruled Britain for many years, but few left their genetic calling cards behind in the DNA of today's mainland Caucasian population. That's one of the insights from the most comprehensive analysis yet of the gen...
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9 years ago
Curiosity is important at any age. "There is something interesting about every person you interact with." -Chris Taylor The Cheat Sheet: What is a squiggly career and why is it a good thing? If it ain't broke don't fix it: should you follow this old...
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9 years ago
In this one: -Married guy who "doesn't need AoC" gets arse handed to him by listeners -Working out before heading out HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand ou...
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9 years ago
Today CERN announced that on 23rd March the largest single machine the world has ever seen gets plugged in, switched on, and rebooted after a 2 year rest. The Large Hadron Collider was crashing particles at energies just off the speed of light, and i...
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9 years ago
Today CERN announced that on 23rd March the largest single machine the world has ever seen gets plugged in, switched on, and rebooted after a 2 year rest. The Large Hadron Collider was crashing particles at energies just off the speed of lig...
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9 years ago
Today CERN announced that on 23rd March the largest single machine the world has ever seen gets plugged in, switched on, and rebooted after a 2 year rest. The Large Hadron Collider was crashing particles at energies just off the speed of lig...
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9 years ago
Your passion will drive you. "You are the creator of your reality." -Nick Onken The Cheat Sheet: Nick shares how to find your why. Is there a formula to creating your vision? Why no idea is actually new, and why that's okay. Being successful all com...
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9 years ago
If you have options and resources negotiation is easier. "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king." -Sam Cook The Cheat Sheet: Why there's no such thing as a safe and secure job. What's the hardest part of negotiation? He who cares the lea...
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9 years ago
In this one: -This stuff works everywhere, so quit cryin' -Why you need AoC "even though you're married" -A Chipotle hack that Jordan is particularly proud of. HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us...
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9 years ago
How does the brain lay down memory? For decades the limits of microscopes have meant that a detailed look at the way brain cells encode particular learned skills and events has proved elusive. But in a report published this week a team of researchers...
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9 years ago
How does the brain lay down memory? For decades the limits of microscopes have meant that a detailed look at the way brain cells encode particular learned skills and events has proved elusive. But in a report published this week a team of re...
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9 years ago
How does the brain lay down memory? For decades the limits of microscopes have meant that a detailed look at the way brain cells encode particular learned skills and events has proved elusive. But in a report published this week a team of re...
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9 years ago
Female sexuality is quite different than male sexuality. "For a woman to turn on parts of her brain need to turn off." -Ian Kerner The Cheat Sheet: Sexual attention deficit disorder: what is it and how does it relate to porn? Is Ian in favor of or a...
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9 years ago
An ordinary person can create extraordinary change. "One of the biggest things missing in the non-profit space is the sense of for-profit business acumen." -Adam Braun The Cheat Sheet: How much money did he start Pencils of Promise with? Why must al...
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9 years ago
In this one: -How to tell someone they have bad oral hygiene -Why you shouldn't have lunch meetings -More on the issue of race/ethnicity and mentorship HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a revi...