By Heidi Harley

science / science - 9 years ago

383: Sam Cook | Life-Saving Negotiation Skills

If you have options and resources negotiation is easier. "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king." -Sam Cook The Cheat Sheet: Why there's no such thing as a safe and secure job. What's the hardest part of negotiation? He who cares the least ____. Sam fills in the blank. What does Sam say...

science / science - 9 years ago

Friday Five Minutes #5

In this one: -This stuff works everywhere, so quit cryin' -Why you need AoC "even though you're married" -A Chipotle hack that Jordan is particularly proud of.  HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from al...

science / science - 9 years ago

382: Ian Kerner | She Comes First

Female sexuality is quite different than male sexuality. "For a woman to turn on parts of her brain need to turn off." -Ian Kerner The Cheat Sheet: Sexual attention deficit disorder: what is it and how does it relate to porn? Is Ian in favor of or against pornography? What is IELT and why does it m...

science / science - 9 years ago

381: Adam Braun | Pencils of Promise

An ordinary person can create extraordinary change. "One of the biggest things missing in the non-profit space is the sense of for-profit business acumen." -Adam Braun The Cheat Sheet: How much money did he start Pencils of Promise with? Why must all communities that receive a school contribute 20%...

science / science - 9 years ago

Friday Five Minutes #4

In this one: -How to tell someone they have bad oral hygiene -Why you shouldn't have lunch meetings -More on the issue of race/ethnicity and mentorship   HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! If you dug this episode, please subscribe in iTunes and write us a review! This is what helps us stand out from all the f...

science / science - 9 years ago

380: Tim Larkin | How to Survive The Unthinkable

Violence is simply a tool. "The best information for survival is going to come from the worst part of society." -Tim Larkin The Cheat Sheet: Why has Tim been banned from the UK? What advice did Tony Robbins give him after going through his training? Why women's and men's perception of violent situa...

science / science - 9 years ago

BONUS: Marc Goodman | Future Crimes and How to Protect Yourself

We must use grand thinking to secure the Internet. "We are at the first minutes of the first hours of the first days of this internet revolution." -Marc Goodman The Cheat Sheet: What are steganography and script kiddies? How air conditioning led to the Target security breach in 2013. Is hacki...

science / science - 9 years ago

379: Jairek Robbins | Live It

Learn it, live it and give it. "If you focus on serving others it adds purpose to your life." -Jairek Robbins The Cheat Sheet: What drives most high achievers? What is the archetype of the "do next" person and why should you care? Think winning the lotto will make you happy? Jairek shares a study t...