By Heidi Harley

science / science - 5 years ago

UN kicks off talks on high seas treaty

UN member states on Tuesday kicked off two years of negotiations toward a treaty that would finally regulate the high seas, which contain vast troves of valuable plant and animal DNA. "It is urgent they create a strong ocean treaty which allows us to create a global network of ocean sanctuaries," s...

science / science - 5 years ago

NASA to test parachute system for landing spacecraft on Mars

A parachute system that's designed to land spacecraft on Mars will be tested this week off Virginia's coast. Friday's scheduled launch from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia's Eastern Shore will be the third test of the parachute system. NASA said in a press release that the system is des...

science / science - 5 years ago

Scientists invent new form of solar power

A new way to capture the power of the sun and successfully split water into hydrogen and oxygen by altering how plants conduct photosynthesis has been invented by scientists. Plants convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, which releases oxygen into the air when plants split water molec...